Yogyakarta is famous for its great food. With a large international community and great local recipes the city offer plenty of culinary options for visitors. I want to share with you 5 of the best culinary choices in Yogyakarta.
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Gudeg is one of the famous local food here in Yogyakarta. This is one dish that you should definitely try when you visit Yogya. While there are many places that serve Gudeg in Yogyakarta, my favourite one has to be the one on Janturan street, which is called Gudeg Pawon. Besides its tasty Gudeg, eat in the restaurant gives you a great experience of old fashioned Javanese style kitchens – it reminds me a lot of my grandma’s kitchen. The restaurant is a tiny bit of a guilty pleasure of mine whenever I come and eat at Gudeg Pawon. The restaurant is open from 10-12 pm. That is right! That late night! Enough about gudeg, I want to share with you my other favourite food/drinks that you can try when you are in Yogyakarta. Let’s start, shall we?
nasi pecel yogya
  • Nasi/Rice Pecel – Warung in Demangan Baru Street
There is nothing fancy about this small restaurant. The place is clean and pretty basic. They only have limited menu of Nasi Kuning (Yellow rice) and Nasi Pecel. The best thing is they are really tasty (so tasty!). It is a good choice for breakfast (if you are lucky, you can get it for lunch, they run out quite quickly), and it is pretty cheap.
es campur warung handayani
  • Es/Ice Campur – Warung Handayani in Alun Alun Kidul Keraton
Warung Handayani is really famous for the Nasi Brongkos. Nasi Brongkos is the other local cuisine of Yogykarta, but the dish is less famous than Gudeg. It is basically rice with red beans soup. To be honest, it’s not my favourite, the taste is just too boring for me. Other than Nasi Brongkos, Warung Handayani also sells Nasi Soto (which I like), Es Campur (which I freakin love) and much more. Es campur is a drink made from Tapai (traditional fermented food found), coconut flesh, probably syrup, coconut milk and ice cubes.
sate klatak pasar wonokromo
  • Sate/Satay Klatak – Warung Mas Bari, near Wonokromo Market, Pleret
Oh my god, I think this Sate Klatak is the best goat Satay that I have ever eaten in my entire life. Hahaha. The satay is pretty simple though. They just grill the meat with a tiny of salt and probably garlic. The unique thing about it is that the skewer is not bamboo, but comes from the spokes of a bicycle. This apparently makes the meat more tender.
chocolate lava cake lotus mio
  • Chocolate Lava Cake – Lotus Mio in Tirtodipuran Street
Lotus Mio is a place that I visit quite often. They have pretty awesome simple decorations – almost everything is made from wood. You kind of get that peaceful ambiance, especially with the small Buddha statues in front of the door. Anyways, basically the food and gelato are all tasty, but I want to highlight the dessert; the Chocolate Lava Cake here is to die for – it’s a chocolate cake served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and so far the best dessert in town.
bebek goreng mangkuyudan
  • Bebek Goreng/Fried Duck – Warung in Mangkuyudan Street
Actually I prefer grilled duck rather than fried duck, but seriously I can’t really find a good one here. This small warung in Mangkuyudan street somehow met the minimum requirement, even though it is fried duck. The nasi uduk (coconut rice) is nice; the sambal (sauce) is so tasty and the important thing the duck is tender. I personally think it is better than Bebek Cak Koting, the famous one in Yogyakarta.
nasi kuning demangan
There you go, all my favorite yummies in Yogyakarta after I lived here for -/+ 3 months. I shall update this list of mine again when I find another delicious food / drinks in the future. This is a hard list to built without drooling. In the mean time, share your favourite places too. I want to know and give them a try!
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Traditional Drinks From Indonesia

Indonesia is rich in spices, is also rich with traditional drinks that are fresh, unique, and healthy. Many Indonesian people believe that the use of a mixture of spices as the manufacture of beverages would provide health benefits so that the typical drinksIndonesia is still favored by the people.
Indonesia lined up along the equator have a wide variety of typical drink that is refreshing and healthful. Like food, drinks in each region also has its own peculiarities.
Some traditional drinks are very popular in Indonesian society. Various types of drinks are often served in formal occasions or casual events.


The existence of a typical drink from Indonesia is a picture of a typical Indonesian culinary richness that is not owned by any country, including:


traditional drinks from indonesia Bajigur is one typical drink from the area of West Java. This drink has a sweet and savory taste because it is made from coconut milk and brown sugar. This drink is usually served in a relaxed moment and leisure, and is believed to increase appetite. Bajigur scent that mingled smell of pandan leaves presents its own sensation of this traditional beverage menu. Moreover as it flows through the esophagus and ending in the stomach. Warmth coursed through the body immediately. Bajigur usually served with boiled yam, boiled bananas or boiled peanuts.
Bajigur easily found in West Java, consumers were most people in the area. Including tourists from outside the region who are curious about this drink. This drink is safe to be consumed by small children to adults. Bajigur main ingredient is palm sugar, and coconut milk. To add flavor, also mixed a little ginger, salt and vanilla powder.
traditional drink in indonesia
This drink is suitable to be consumed in cold weather. Bandrek made of ginger and brown sugar, as well as additional spices such as cinnamon, cloves and pandan leaves.


Sekoteng is drink native of Central Java with the ginger flavor that served hot. Other ingredients are usually mixed into a drink sekoteng are mung beans, peanuts, pacar cina, and chunks of bread. Sekoteng usually sold around by using a cart to carry. One side of ginger water in the pan along with the stove while the other side is a mixture of ingredients and place to prepare sekoteng.
Wedang Jahe
traditional drinks from indonesia
Wedang originated from Javanese language which means ‘hot drink’. Many variants wedang is similar but not identical. As the name implies, wedang jahe is made from ginger and palm sugar, sugar, cardamom, cloves, lemongrass, and black pepper. Drinks from the land of Java is usually added pandan leaves to make it more delicious.

Wedang Ronde

Wedang ronde is a traditional beverage that comes from Java. Wedang itself means drinks. Wedang ronde is steeping ginger water containing balls, called ronde. Usually served with roasted beans, kolang-kaling, and pieces of bread.

Wedang Uwuh

History of Java’s traditional beverage store various stories. Many types of traditional beverage that is born of the creativity or trial and error. There are various types wedang, namely wedang ginger, wedang ronde, wedang secang, and wedang uwuh.
Of the various types of wedang, wedang uwuh a unique one when seen from its name. Wedang which in Javanese means to drink, while uwuh itself means garbage. But do not be mistaken, this is not just any wedang garbage, but garbage is meant here is the organic foliage, which of course contains a lot of benefits.
Some of the benefits of this uwuh wedang, namely to lower cholesterol, as anti-oxidants, refreshing the body, relieve fatigue, cure and prevent colds, and certainly can warm the body.

Bir Pletok

It’s main ingredient is ginger, cardamom, lemongrass, cinnamon, kayu secang, and sugar.
This drink is perfect to drink at night to keep warm. Name pletok also unique origins. In the Dutch colonial period and the Japanese invaders often seen drinking beer in checkpoints.
Betawi people do not want to lose. They make their own beer that put into a bamboo tube and mixed with ice cubes. When the drinks in a bamboo tube shaken, will hear a pletok-pletok so that named pletok.
Bir Pletok is believed to have various benefits, including relieving hot, prevent colds , and warm the stomach.


Cendol is typical of Indonesia beverage made from rice flour, served with grated ice, liquid palm sugar, and coconut milk. It was sweet and savory. In the area of Sunda, the drink is known as cendol while in Central Java known as es dawet.
Rice flour is processed in a way given the green dye then printed through a special filter, so the shape of grains. At first natural dyes from pandanus leaves are used, but now used artificial food colorings.
This drink is usually served as dessert or as a snack. Matches are presented in the daytime

Es Teler

traditional drinks from indonesia
Es Teler is a drink containing pieces of fresh avocado, young coconut, jackfruit, and dilute coconut milk. Then added sweetened condensed milk and syrup. Ice can be used shaved ice or ice cubes.
Another variation of es teler containing grass jelly, kolang-kaling, pacar cina, pieces of apple, papaya, sapodilla, melons, bread, and jelly. Until es teler to be difficult to distinguish from es campur.

Es Goyobod

Popular in Garut, West Java. Many were not familiar with this ice, because only in Garut area it was. Goyobod made from water, brown sugar, flour hunkwe, salt and pandan that cooked until boiling and thick, then allowed to until frozen. After that cut into pieces a box shape. Kuah made from a coconut milk with brown sugar, salt and pandan leaves. Goyobod served with young coconut, avocado, coconut milk and shaved ice on it.
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